The kids loved this one!

A scavenger hunt around the classroom for kids to locate important features (fire extinguisher and pencil sharpener, for example) AND catch a glimpse of what we might study in physics.

To create the hunt, I (well, actually @physicsbjork) started by listing the important features in the classroom. Stuff that’s nice to know as well as safety stuff.

Next, I (ok, so @physicsbjork did this part, too — but I tweaked it!) found a link to go with each room feature. BONUS POINTS for you if you come up with a metaphor to link the two. For instance, my students decided that my video with a reverse bungee-jumping & parachuting guy was linked to the student supply center because your school supplies are necessary equipment for class just as the parachute was to the guy in the video. I wasn’t that clever but maybe you will be. Then I ran the links from above through, a link shortener that auto-generates QR codes.

Combine the two and distribute the QR code printouts around your room. The eyewash station for instance looked like this:

So much better than reading the syllabus.